Thursday, May 17, 2012

Ex-Patriot Act

    1. Expatriot Act Act. The university of these days is a collection of books. 13 April 2009. Nerd Tourism: Streets of Philadelphia ...

  1. Schumer And Casey's Ex-PATRIOT Act: Details Of How They Plan ...

    8 hours ago by Ingrid Lunden
    Charles Schumer and Bob Casey, the two U.S. Senators behind the Ex-PATRIOT act — a proposal to go after early Facebook backer Eduardo Saverin and others like him that have renounced U.S. citizenship and are getting ...
    More results from TechCrunch
  2. Senators Introduce Ex-Patriot Act, Targeting Facebook Co-Founder ...

    10 hours ago by David Cohen
    Do you remember all that tax money Facebook Co-Founder Eduardo Saverin was set to save on Facebook's initial public offering by renouncing his U.S. citizenship and establishing residency in Singapore? Not so fast, said ...
  3. Sens. Schumer, Casey Unveil 'Ex-PATRIOT Act' In Response To ...

    9 hours ago by Frances Martel
    The media have been enthralled this week with the story of Eduardo Saverin, onetime Facebook founder and current millionaire/fictional Aaron Sorkin tragic figure. He gave up his American citizenship earlier in the week ...
    More results from Mediaite
  4. Schumer Introduces Ex-PATRIOT Act: Will Banish Those Who ...

    12 hours ago by Tyler Durden
    What comes after Banana Republic? Because America is it - after last week Facebook co-founder, and native Brazilian, Eduardo Saverin announced he would denounce his US citizenship, America has decided to make it ...
    More results from ZeroHedge
  5. Ex-PATRIOT Act” Would Penalize Tax Schemers Like Facebook's ...

    10 hours ago by Alan
    Senators Charles Schumer and Bob Casey are behind the “Ex-PATRIOT Act,” in response to Facebook's co-founder Eduardo Saverin's efforts to avoid paying U.S. taxes. The senators will call Saverin's move an “outrage” and ...
  6. Ex-PATRIOT Act - AMERICAblog

    8 hours ago by Chris in Paris
    While they're not completely wrong with criticizing the former Facebook co-founder Eduardo Saverin for giving up his US citizenship, they're also missing a few big problems. For starters, many expats like myself would be ...
  7. Democratic Senators Unveil Bill To Crack Down On Tax Dodgers ...

    9 hours ago by Sahil Kapur
    New legislation announced Thursday aims to crack down on Americans who renounce their citizenship in order to avoid paying taxes. It would force them to pay a 30 percent tax on all future U.S. investments and prohibit them ...
  8. 'Ex-PATRIOT Act' Would Tax Facebook's Eduardo Saverin

    10 hours ago by The Huffington Post News Editors
    Sens. Chuck Schumer and Bob Casey have a message for Facebook co-founder Eduardo Saverin: You should pay taxes despite renouncing your American citizenship.
    More results from The Huffington Post | Full News Feed
  9. The 'Ex-PATRIOT' Act (Really) | TPM Editors Blog

    9 hours ago by David Kurtz
    Democrats unveil new bill to target tax dodgers like Facebook's Eduardo Saverin….
  10. » And Now: Ex-Patriot Act

    10 hours ago by Kevin
    Schumer and Bob Casey, D-Pa., will unveil the “Ex-PATRIOT” – “Expatriation Prevention by Abolishing Tax-Related Incentives for Offshore Tenancy” – Act to respond directly to Saverin's move, which they dub a “scheme” that ...

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